This blend of disciplines allows me to explore issues from different angles, fostering creative solutions.

Educational Experiences

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.


Sydney J. Harris


The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. 〰️ Sydney J. Harris 〰️

With a background in both Finance and Technology, I bring a multifaceted perspective to problem-solving…

Master of Science

Information and Communication Sciences

Ball State University

I delved into the intricate world of various technologies and their profound effects on human society. My studies placed a special emphasis on cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to emerge as a technology leader in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

What I learnt

Human Computer Interaction

Focusing on designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that enhance user experience and interaction with technology.

IT Strategy

Explored strategic approaches to aligning technology with organizational goals and objectives, developing skills in crafting and implementing IT strategies to drive business success and innovation.


Explored ChatGPT's impact on college student learning preferences and methods, shedding light on the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing education.


Developed proficiency in Python programming language, utilizing its versatility and robust libraries for various applications such as data analysis, automation, and web development.


Gained practical skills and strategies to effectively communicate value propositions, build relationships, and close deals.


Explore some of my achievements as a Graduate Student at Ball State here .

Bachelor of Commerce

International Finance

Christ University

During my Bachelor's, I balanced US and Indian accounting while mastering CFA principles. Actively engaged in coursework, discussions, and projects, I graduated with strong skills in international finance and CFA fundamentals.

What I learnt


Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.


Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.


Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.


Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

CFA Basics

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.


Explore some of my achievements as an Undergraduate Student at Christ here.